
  • Yes man
  • 8 Jun 2016
  • By German Anitua Azkarate
  • Rating:( 3545 votes )

Yes man


Bank loan officer Carl Allen has become withdrawn since his divorce from ex-wife Stephanie. He has an increasingly negative outlook on his life and routinely ignores his friends Pete and Rooney. 

What we learn

The main lesson I learn from the film is that you must live life the way you truly want iT.

It is about doing what we truly love in our lives. Most of us are struggling to do so even Carl from the movie. After he begin to take actions on every opportunities he will start to live life the way he want.

There is one easy and simple thing that yo can do to live life the way you want. The very first step is to discover what are your passions. When you have realized them you can live life passionately by taking actions on them.

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