
  • 26 Sep 2019
  • By German Anitua Azkarate
  • Rating:( 2823 votes )

Slumdog Millionaire

Slumdog Millionaire is a movie about a love story that has the audience rooting for the main characters to reunite and for the Jamal to win the money to change his life. While that is the surface view of the movie, Slumdog Millionaire holds a much deeper meaning. The examination of violence throughout the movie is only one of the many different themes that are depicted in the movie but an important one. Dharavi, the setting, gave us a better understanding of what slums are like and the kinds of violence that surrounds the people of that community every day. The examination of Jamal’s character and his experiences of violence showed that terror and punishment are ways that are used to treat people as the “Other”. The consequences of the sexist relationships between Latika and other male characters result in different types of violences. On a more meaningful level Slumdog Millionaire informs us that there are many different forms of violence that surround and shape our everyday lives as seen in Jamal’s character.

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  • 19 Jan 2017
  • By German Anitua Azkarate
  • Rating:( 3401 votes )

Lost in Translation

Lost in Translation is the tale of a chance collision between two souls feeling trapped in their lives and lost in a foreign world. Bill Murray is endorsing a whiskey purely for the sake of the money although while enjoying the break from his wife, meanwhile Scarlett Johansson is accompanying her husband Giovanni Ribisi, a photographer. We watch the friendship between these two strangers slowly blossom into a delicate platonic romance.

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  • 5 Jan 2017
  • By German Anitua Azkarate
  • Rating:( 3462 votes )

Into the wild

This film is based on the book written by John Krakauer, which under the same title chronicles the last years of the real life of a 22 year old boy named Chris McCandless who left what seemed to be a privileged life in Annandale, Gave away most of his money, and began a cross-country journey. 

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  • 2 Aug 2016
  • By German Anitua Azkarate
  • Rating:( 3663 votes )


In 2057, the sun is dying. A crew of eight pilot a colossal nuclear bomb aboard the spaceship Icarus II with the intent to jumpstart the sun. As they pass Mercury's orbit, Icarus II discovers the distress beacon of Icarus I, the first ship to attempt their mission, which disappeared seven years earlier. 

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