Reading material

  • Divergent capitalism. The social structuring and change of business systems
  • 9 Jun 2016
  • Autor: Richard Whitley
  • Rating:( 3558 votes )

Divergent capitalism. The social structuring and change of business systems


The late twentieth century has witnessed the establishment of new forms of capitalism in East Asia as well as new market economies in Eastern Europe. Despite the rhetoric of globalization, they are continuing to diverge because of significant differences in dominant institutions. This book presents the comparative business systems framework for describing and explaining the major differences in economic organization between market economies.

Opinion by German Anitua Azkarate

Those who personally know the professor Whitley identified throughout this book literally his sentences. This should be a must-read book for all those interested in understanding how countries compete through the different institutional arrangement they can deploy.

This book presents the comparative business systems framework for describing and explaining the major differences in economic organisations between market economies in the late twentieth century. This framework identifies the critical variations in coordination and control systems across forms of industrial capitalism, and shows how these are connected to major differences in their institutional contexts.

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