Reading material

  • Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage
  • 12 Jun 2016
  • Autor: Peter Hall & David Soskice
  • Rating:( 3426 votes )

Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage


What are the most important differences among national economies? Is globalization forcing nations to converge on an Anglo-American model? What explains national differences in social and economic policy? This pathbreaking work outlines a new approach to these questions. It highlights the role of business in national economies and shows that there is more than one path to economic success. The book sets a new intellectual agenda for everyone interested in relations between politics, economics, and business.

Opinion by German Anitua Azkarate

The analysis brings the firm back into the centre of comparative political economy. The authors develop an important new theory about which differences among national political economies are most significant for economic policy and perfomance.

This book should be the recommended starting point for anyone interested in begin to understand how countries compete and the determinantes each based upon. The authors show us the differences between countries like the United States, Germany, and the UK, among others, as these countries have formulated development policies in order to orchestrating certain unique institutional contexts which have helped them in order to develop their economies fruitfully over time.

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