Reading material

  • Big business and the wealth of nations
  • 13 Jun 2016
  • Autor: Alfred D. Chandler, Franco Amatori & Takashi Hikino
  • Rating:( 3578 votes )

Big business and the wealth of nations


Written in non-technical terms, this book explains how the dynamics of big business have influenced national and international economies. A path-breaking study, it provides the first systematic treatment of big business in advanced, emerging, and centrally-planned economies from the late nineteenth century, when big businesses first appeared in American and West European manufacturing, to the present. Large industrial enterprises play a vital role in developing new technologies and commercializing new products in all of the major countries. How such firms emerged and evolved in different economic, political, and social settings constitutes a significant part of twentieth-century world history. This historical review of big business is particularly valuable today, when the viability of large enterprises is being challenged by small firms, networks, and alliances. These essays, written by internationally-known historians and economists, help one understand the essential role and functions of big business

Opinion by German Anitua Azkarate

This is an extremely important book that can be highly recommended as an admirable text for students in courses on business history.

This book perfectly complements two other major works of Chandler; "Scale and scope", and "The visible hand", respectively. Recommended reading for anyone interested in understanding how companies emerge and evolve in different economies.

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