Reading material

  • 13 Jun 2016
  • Author: Thomas B. Gold
  • Rating:( 3217 votes )

State and society in the Taiwan miracle

Each chapter covers one "stage" of development. The book is a great crash course on how Taiwan achieved its reputation as an "economic miracle." Records the various stages of Taiwan's economic development from the perspective of the political, social, and cultural trends present at each important turning point. As a result, the reader sees how all these non-economic factors shaped Taiwan's development.

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  • 12 Jun 2016
  • Author: G.M. Peter Swann
  • Rating:( 3347 votes )

The economics of innovation

This book provides a comprehensive yet accessible introduction to the economics of innovation. The aim of the book is to explore some of the key economic questions about innovation. How can we describe and classify different aspects of innovation? What are the incentives to innovate? How should companies organise themselves to promote innovation? What are the effects of innovation on the economy? Do governments have a role in supporting and guiding innovation?

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  • 12 Jun 2016
  • Author: Susan Strange
  • Rating:( 3405 votes )

The retreat of the state. The diffusion of power in the world economy

Adopting new and much more comprehensive concepts of both power and politics, The Retreat of the State develops a theoretical framework to show who really governs the world economy. It goes on to explore some of the non-state authorities, from mafias to the Big Six accounting firms and international bureaucrats, whose power over who gets what in the world encroaches on that of national governments. The book is a signpost, pointing to some promising new directions for the future development of research and teaching in international political economy. Its originality and scope make The Retreat of the State of great importance for scholars and students of international relations, business and management.

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  • 12 Jun 2016
  • Author: G.M. Peter Swann & Jas Gill
  • Rating:( 3322 votes )

Corporate vision and rapid technological change

The central focus of this book is on the role of what shall be called the firm´s strategic vision of where technologies and markets are going. The vision is the strategic plan of top management for the future technologies and future markets. Swann and Gill argue that this plays a central role in determining an organisation´s ability to adapt to the challenge of technology and market changes, not just because of its importance in R&D and investment strategy, but also because if a strategic vision is well implemented, technology change will not seem so disruptive as it can be implemented using existing organisational routines.

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  • 12 Jun 2016
  • Author: John L. Campbell
  • Rating:( 3296 votes )

Institutional change and globalization

This book is about institutional change, how to recognize it, when it occurs, and the mechanisms that cause it to happen. It is the first book to identify problems with the "new institutional analysis," which has emerged as one of the dominant approaches to the study of organizations, economic and political sociology, comparative political economy, politics, and international relations. The book confronts several important problems in institutional analysis, and offers conceptual, methodological, and theoretical tools for resolving them. It argues that the paradigms of institutional analysis--rational choice, organizational, and historical institutionalism--share a set of common analytic problems. Chief among them: failure to define clearly what institutional change is; failure to specify the mechanisms responsible for institutional change; and failure to explain adequately how "ideas" other than self-interests affect institutional change. To demonstrate the utility of his tools for resolving the problems of institutional analysis, Campbell applies them to the phenomenon of globalization. In doing so, he not only corrects serious misunderstandings about globalization, but also develops a new theory of institutional change. This book advances the new institutional analysis by showing how the different paradigms can benefit from constructive dialogue and cross-fertilization.

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