Training & Education

In house training for policy makers on all our current methodologies, tools and techniques.

Nations compete among themselves. We have emphasised the need to build more dynamic models of the relationship between actors and institutions across different sorts of institutional contexst. Such an emphasis comes in particular because of a sense of the changing nature of economic activity in the current era.


Our two days “country competitiveness & institutional strategic architecture formulation procedure”.

This is one of our five stars training course on regional and country competitiveness. We present policy makers with the hidden clues behind every “easy to copy” best practice. This two days course besides being a refresher it also gives these policy makers the opportunity to listen reflections and observations politically inappropriate but so mandatory to be heard.

The Ecotoxicology Tool.

This course is one of our five star training courses. We assist policy makers at designing and implementing an effective business & entrepreneurial ecosystem either at very local, provincial, regional and/or state level. Policy makers will also be capable of evaluating the health and effectives of their current ecosystem at any wished governmental level they were in. Our ecotoxicology tool entitles policy makers to determine the degree of toxicity every ecosystem may evolve into after a certain period of time unless certain arrangements are set in place during its existence.

The CM4F Tool.

This course trains policy makers to design competition models and government systems capable to enhance country´s organisational capabilities. The course raises awareness to policy makers upon the fact of how relevant the speed a country operates and evolves is an impassable precedent when it comes to design any competition model. Something quite often overlooked!

The CDp4 Tool.

This course trains policy makers to benchmark their country´s competitive public policies against those of the world best countries, in a certain number of chosen dimensions. We partner with the world most well known institutions to provide policy makers with the latest countries competitiveness reports, so that we can train policy maker to break down every country’s dimensions and understand every hidden secretly build distinctiveness.

The RIS Equaliser Tool.

The RIS equaliser is one of our most powerful tools designed to help every policy maker in the architecture of his/her county’s institutional context. The tool entitles policy makers to “play” with any of the five most relevant pillars any institutional context is based upon, so that they can determine the foundations and the effectiveness of their very current business ecosystem, as to simulate an updated one.

The Innovation Strategy Analysis – Mini Audit Tool.

This course trains policy makers on the basis so to understand the issues behind any and every single question of this mini audit test, and just in this way they can keep a global perspective in order to design and implement frameworks to drive strategic innovation while protecting and enhancing their national and regional business systems.

The Regional Innovation Ecosystem Framework Tool.

Together with the RIS equaliser tool, this tool becomes the “crown jewel” for any policy maker interested in setting to work on modelling his/her regional innovation ecosystems. This very versatile tool entitles policy makers to frame and model a singular and distinctive regional innovation ecosystems according to the needs and requirements of the already located industries and sectors as of the ones interested in engaging.

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Our two days "country competitiveness & institutional strategic architecture formulation procedure". ®

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